Were Microwaves Invented In The 1920s Is It True That The Microwave Was Invented After A Researcher Walked By?

Is it true that the microwave was invented after a researcher walked by? - were microwaves invented in the 1920s

The polls and surveys. A radar sensor and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket


Elizabet... said...

Yes, indeed.

A brief history of the microwave.
Like many great inventions of today, the microwave is a by-product of another technology.
It was during a radar-research project around 1946 that was Dr. Percy Spencer, a self-taught engineer with the Raytheon Company, noticed something very unusual.
He was testing a new vacuum tube called magnetron (we are looking for a picture of a real Magnetron 1946), when he discovered that the chocolate had melted in his pocket.
That fascinates Dr. Spencer, so he tried another experiment. This time he introduced popcorn near the subway and standing, perhaps a little farther, he saw a flicker of invention in the eye as the popcorn duds, thundering all over his laboratory.

Inventor Spencer.
Dr. Spencer continued to Raytheon as a senior consultant until his death at the age of 76 years.
At the time of his death, Dr. Spencer had 150 patents and is considered one of the largest in the world in the field of microwave energy, despite the lack of secondary education.
On 18 September 1999, Dr. Percy Spencer was taken Labaronne in the National Inventors Hall of Fame and took his place in history alongside such great inventors like Thomas Edison, the Wright Brothers and George Washington Carver.

sashtou said...

Yup (or almost) and we now understand.


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