Shark Abiotic Factors 9. Identify 3 Abiotic Factors That Could Affect Marine Organisms That Permanently Reside In Tide Pool Habitats?
9. Identify 3 abiotic factors that could affect marine organisms that permanently reside in tide pool habitats? - shark abiotic factors
9. Identify 3rd May abiotic factors that affect the marine organisms that are constantly in the habitat of the tidal pool.
10. What happens to the marine ecosystems, where predators such as sharks become extinct due to fishing pressure?
please help
The water level (I mean, yes, are, if the sea level rise due to global warming, then what is now the tide pools will be permanently submerged).
Salinity (you know the rain weakens the content of the tidal pools).
The amount of light per day (yes, that affects the growth of algae and other producers).
10. Their predators are out of balance.
Take, for example, a coral reef.
Removing predators.
And may increase some other fish such as parrots, due to predation pressure falls.
Parrots eat coral, you know. Parrot corals eat more.
You can imagine that can destroy coral reefs - many agencies, that many lose their homes ... including the parrot.
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