Gov Lock Vs. Detroit Locker John McCain Now Has The Closet Gay Endorsement Of Fla. Gov. Charlie Crist, Does This Lock In Your Vote?

John McCain now has the closet gay endorsement of Fla. gov. Charlie Crist, does this lock in your vote? - gov lock vs. detroit locker

With the approval of the Cabinet Gay McCain seems a better fit with our values? It seems that our kind of guys, guys. We are the loyal Republican base now, now we must be very busy for our men.


Edward said...

McCain is too old "lose" in Iraq will last 100 years, so I will not vote for him.

hispano said...

Now see, that John McCain is illegal immigration, John McCain is not torturing terrorists (the Americans prefer to die). Charlie's time to tune the perpetrators. So, yes, more liberal stand together on the problems of the destruction of the United States. However, this does not mean my voice. I have not for the Liberals.

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